Belly eriten Diet

Many people still wanted in the form type is not complaining. Some people even want you where some of the weaker (the belly, waist, base) is close to not examined. Normal diet programs, even if most people undermine people more in the face region is investigated. But excessive fat in areas not very slimming. Sizlere 3 weeks, especially in belly-lumbar region to provide a special program to review my will. But first let me emphasize this point: Only the regional diet, weight loss is not full. Exercise and will need special menus with some special herbal. Follow this program 3 weeks, 2 to review the great amazement You'll see the end of the day. Shuttle movement Knees and feet parallel to one another in the adjacent location of the base, while our two hands to the nape of the neck and fast fast, frequent and intermittent movements until the pain in our stomach morning and evening would make this move ellişer times. This action will strengthen muscles, especially in the abdominal region, fat tissue and fat mobilizing to help as well. Sopalı action This action also take a stick to our roots and back of neck to having our two hands. Feet on the ground in a swift and sure-footed to the right, and left more than hips quickly back up a few minutes to make this move. This act by the side of the abdomen and the muscle belly of the shape of the melt allows. Bel shuttle for muscle Our branch in one hand, on the other side have been bent slightly to our knees, we often try to make and serial movements closely. This action also would try to do until we can stand a few minutes. Then, on the other side and our feet, our arms are changing. This movement towards the side of the abdominal muscles is useful for running. Eat them one day of the week Kalkar not disappear: 1 cup warm honey lemon juice (half a dessert spoon into the honey, will be 10 drops of lemon). Morning sports: 35 - 40 minutes walk from tempolu. Try to take plenty of sweat. Then, as in the 15-20 minute sports images. Shower: Raw silk purse, or 5 minutes, brush with life, such as pumpkin belly, base, buttocks, waist hardly be brushed. 5 minutes until the sesame oil, thyme oil, rosemary oil, balm oil is massage into the same region. Breakfast: 1 shelled green apple, 1 hard peach Search: 2 fingers can eat cheese fresh language. Lunch: 1 serving grilled chicken (der), plenty of green salad with rocket (fresh bulbous). Ara (saat 15.00): 3-4 oaten biscuits Ara (saat 17.30): 1 green apple. Evening: 4-5 tablespoon olive oil beans (low fat), 1 slice of bread a full, seasonal salad. Night: 1 glass of warm light milk with cinnamon sugar. 3-4 cups of fennel tea, green tea, corn tassel, the cherry, avakado leaf tea in the mixture. Prohibit * Starchy, sugary beverages * Frying * Animal solid fats (butter, cream, fat deli, eggs of the yellow, fat dairy products, fatty meat, chicken - fish skin, whole milk) * Alcohol (especially beer) * White flour, * White sugar * Birth control pills * Excessive daytime sleepiness * Chocolate * Oil cookies * Chips Do not lower your hands reducing tea 1-2 for a glass of water avakado leaf pieces, 1 teaspoon green tea, a small handful cherry stalk and corn tassel, 1 teaspoon fennel seed source will be only 1-2 minutes and gently boil 3-4 minutes after you leave dem to be. Then, only a very thin sugar or sweetener will not be added to a zone within limonla. Then you can drink a little food. Early as possible to beat the evening. Because it is important to wake up early the morning when you wake up early to accelerate metabolism, revive body is the morning sports-action passes.


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