Lemon diet
Posted by
simple diet
on Monday, July 6, 2009
Lemon diet
I do not try to lose weight the way you do not try to undermine in a diet lemon. Limon and will provide you with weight loss and improve your skin beautiful! If you want lose weight, you should take a week less than 7 thousand calories. So goodbye to calories each day should bin. In this diet for a week to practice, and you minimize fat gain, on average, 1200 calories daily in the neighborhood of the calories. Toxins that has taken the features lemon, keeping the body's water and is therefore preventing the formation of cellulite. Moreover, by day you add lemon to your food you need vitamin C will also meet. Of course, not limited to the benefit of this diet, 1 week, 2 pounds is so difficult to give too! Morning (7 days) 1 cup unsweetened tea, 2 slices bread, diet, 1 tablespoon of lemon marmalade. Monday afternoon 2 teaspoon oil, 2 teaspoon lemon juice with cheese and cooked rice (70 grams) mixed salad, olive oil and 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 part lemon juice and is sweetened with sweetened fruit salad bowl is 1. Evening With lean to, again, as oil of lemon juice added only to be flaked cooked (120 grams) 1 whole wheat sandwich (or 1 package biscuit diet) 1 teaspoon lemon juice with olive oil and cooked spinach 1. Tuesday afternoon A little olive oil and juice of 1 lemon over 150 grams, baked fish, 1 whole wheat sandwich is visiting (or 1 package biscuit diet) 1 teaspoon olive oil and half-cooked green beans with lemon water. Evening Chicken breast 150 grams (1 teaspoon lemon juice with oil, and half baked). Half a lemon juice and little oil 1 green pepper and wholegrain sandwich is grilled (or a pack of biscuit diet). Wednesday afternoon 70 grams of yoghurt and limonla cooked pasta, olive oil and 1 lemon's juice is sweetened with a mixed salad, half a bowl of lemon juice and low sugar strawberry mix. Evening Parsley, 150 grams of cooked octopus with half lemon juice, olive oil and half-cooked green beans with lemon juice, 1 whole wheat sandwich (or a pack of biscuit diet). Thursday afternoon Language, 40 grams of cheese, 30 grams of tuna fish diet, 5 green olives and prepared salads with lemon juice, 1 whole wheat sandwich (or a pack of biscuit diet), the fruit, except bananas and grapes and lemon juice with half-prepared fruit salad. Evening And is sweetened with 150 grams of tomato Limonla bonito, sweetened with half a lemon and olive oil are very few 150 grams salad, 2 boiled potatoes. Friday afternoon Very few oil and lemon juice sweetened with 1 wholemeal sandwich, pot roast is 120 grams (or a pack of biscuit diet), half a lemon 1 teaspoon olive oil and fresh baked beans with the water. Evening 2 teaspoon oil, 2 teaspoon lemon juice with cheese and cooked rice (70 grams) 120 grams boiled, olive oil and lemon juice and sweetened lemon juice is the language, and very few have been sweetened with 150 grams of olive oil salad. Saturday afternoon Lemon juice is sweetened with 120 grams of grilled chicken, 1 whole wheat sandwich (or a pack of biscuit diet), 1 teaspoon lemon juice with olive oil and cooked spinach 1. Evening 70 grams, boiled rice, vegetables, cheese 20 grams, 30 grams dietary tuna fish, olive oil and lemon juicy salad, fruit, except bananas and grapes and lemon juice with half-prepared fruit salad with 1 teaspoon olive oil is sweetened tomato salad. Sunday Lunch 70 grams of the cooked pasta and grated 1 lemon, and oil and season of the shell. Sprinkle cheese kaşar 40 grams. 1 teaspoon oil and half lemon juice is sweetened with orange or grapefruit green beans 1 (very rich in vitamin C and antioxidants). Evening 150 grams of olive oil is very low, and sweetened limonla fish cooked in the oven. 1 whole wheat sandwich (or a pack of biscuit diet) 1 teaspoon oil and 1 lemon juice is sweetened with spinach.
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