Happiness Diet Transmitter

1.65 between the ages of 20-35 cm length and 70 kg weight on the ladies, do with this diet, regular walking, the first week of 1.5 and 2 kg, a weight loss later in the week. Breakfast: 2 karper much preferred cheese, 1 thin slice rye, corn or wheat bread, unlimited tomato, cucumber, or a 1 in size karper prepared omelet with cheese, 1 thin slice rye, corn or wheat bread, half a glass of milk, tomato unlimited , cucumber Lunch: 5-6 tablespoon vegetable or olive oil to eat meat), 3 tablespoon bulgur pilaf or macaroni cheese, 1 thin slice rye, corn or wheat bread, low fat salad (with seasonal salad with material) or, 1 medium-sized stuffed peppers, half-cup yogurt, 1 thin slice rye, corn or wheat bread, low fat salad (with seasonal salad with material) Afternoon: 1 fruit Evening: 1 small chicken but (without skin), or 3 grilled meatball, 1 bowl cacık or yogurt, 1 thin slice rye, corn or wheat bread, low fat salad. (according to season the salad with materials) Search: 2 top with chocolate or vanilla or regular ice cream with pieces of fruit.


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